

Modular, easy-to-use canning systems for your Cannabis and CBD infused craft beverages.

CBD Beverages - Craft Pioneers.

CBD infused beverages are becoming increasingly popular in the health and wellness industry. Preliminary research indicates a variety of mental and physical health benefits such as anxiety treatment and inflammation reduction. With the continued growth of this medicinal industry, we are seeing more consumers choosing CBD infused beer, tea, soda, juice, and other beverages.

Let Twin Monkeys work with you to configure a canning system that will meet your unique needs in the cannabis craft beverage space. Our expert technicians will work with you to customize a canning system that meets your requirements and allows you to bring your CBD beverages to the consumer market.

Benefits of our CBD Canning Systems


Grow your canning capabilities alongside your craft business with our modular designs.


Auto-adjust fill technology reduces waste during your canning runs. 


Our team will work with you to meet the stringent code requirements of the cannabis beverage industry.


Change can sizes and styles when you need to: from tall to short and sleek to slim.

have a question?

Let’s Talk Monkey

(888) 315-7462

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